2024 HappySignals Releases

Last updated on 2024-06-26

June 2024

  • AI-powered Feedback Analysis: Let AI do the heavy lifting for you on our revamped Feedback page, packed with new capabilities to summarize, filter, organize, and get relevant insights from hundreds of free text comments in seconds. Now you can:
    • Get AI-powered summaries of what people said about their experiences and the areas for improvement 

    • Focus on reasons why people had poor or great experiences

    • Find feedback relevant to you more easily with the new filter panel

    • Organize and tag groups of comments for efficient analysis

    • Limit data downloads to responses that match data filters and search results

    • Pin important data on compact comment cards

      👉 Learn more about the new features or watch our Product Training Session (20 min) for a demo and deep dive.

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  • Show Factor Benchmarks even while comparing to Baseline: Toggle on 'Show benchmarks' on the Factors card on the Experience page. Benchmark data is only available for the Services measurement area.

May 2024

  • Easier viewing of data on end-users' preferred language: We've made it easier to understand data in the Language field on the platform. Language data filters now show language names (e.g. "Spanish")  instead of codes (e.g. "es"). 
  • View "Last 12 months" data easily with preset: See data from the last 12 months in one click with the new preset added to the Identify section's time selectors, such as on the Experience page.

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  • Clearer Employment Time filter names: Employment time filters have been renamed to reflect time ranges that employees have been at the organization for, e.g. "2-6 months".

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  • "Export as CSV" no longer available: We've sunset the Export as CSV functionality. You can still download data for manual analysis. in Excel format, or use our JSON API for machine-to machine integrations. Learn more

March 2024

  • Quarterly, Half-yearly, and Yearly Reports: In addition to Monthly Reports, you can now create reports for more time periods. Set up a recurring report with your selected filters, and a fresh report will be available at the beginning of each period.

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February 2024

  • Easier viewing of selected filters: We've made it easier to see at a glance what filters are selected around the platform – in the filter bar, Initiatives, Additional Questions, and more! You can now read longer filter names in full, and see your selection grouped into Categories for a quick overview.

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  • Add a Responsible for Initiatives and XLAs: Set any HappySignals user as a Responsible for Initiatives and XLAs to make ownership visible on the platform. Assigned Responsibles will be able to edit their Initiatives or XLAs.

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