How to update your HappySignals applications in ServiceNow

Updating the HappySignals applications in your ServiceNow instance is easy and simple by following the step by step guide.

Update steps:

  1. Check Release Notes for the application you are about to update:
  2. Always update your sub-production instances first and only then proceed to update your production instance.
  3. In your SN instance navigate to System Applications > All Available Applications > Installed. Find the application(s) you want to update and click the "Update" button.

  4. Let the update run through, this usually takes a minute or two. 
  5. Check the application Upgrade History to verify any records that have been skipped as part of the update.
    1. Any application record modified within the customer instance will be skipped as part of the application update. Some skips are to be expected and don't require any actions, like changes in system properties, but others can affect the new application version functionalities, like changes in application scripts. Review each skipped application record and take the appropriate action (ignore, revert to OOB or merge changes). Any deletions that the application developer makes will also show up as skipped records, deletions are not done lightly, when done we propose to apply these.
  6. Make sure that scheduled jobs within the application are active as these can get set inactive during the update process.
  7. Check that the new functionalities and fixes are working as described in the update release notes. 
  8. Run your test cases to make sure that the whole process is working correctly and correct data is shown in the HappySignals Experience Management portal.
    1. Example test cases for Ticket-Based IT Experience
    2. Example test case for Service Portal IT Experience

With any issues please contact our support:

Once you have run your test case and verified that everything is working, repeat the update steps in your other ServiceNow environments.