How are Happiness and Lost time values calculated?

HappySignals helps you to understand employees' service satisfaction and productivity impact

HappySignals platform works with two dimensions, Happiness and Lost time.


Platform shows employees' experiences with a Happiness value. Similarly to the NPS® customer loyalty scoring system, Happiness value compares positive and negative feedback (think promoters and detractors in NPS) against the total volume of feedbacks.

Employees rate each service experience from 0 to 10. The overall service Happiness calculation is simple:

% positive - % negative  =  Happiness

Happiness ranges from -100 to +100, a plus value means you get more positive than negative scores. Score of +52 means you get about 76% positive scores (nines and tens) and 24% negative scores (from zero to six). Neutral scores are only counted in the totals for percentages.image-png-May-04-2023-06-39-37-8916-AM

HappySignals-Services Score distribution 2023-03-05-2023-05-04-png-1Lost time is asked also in each survey, and it reflects the perception of how employees felt service affected their productivity. Platform shows the average of all feedbacks with this value given.

As it is not mandatory to give Lost time when submitting your feedback, amount of this feedback is almost always less than for Happiness for a given period of time and group of responses.

Learn more about how Lost Time is calculated.