HappySignals XMP Release 1.22 2021-03-04

Release 1.22 starts the journey towards a new experience! We are renewing the HappySignals Experience Management Platform gradually in the upcoming months, starting from the header.

What's new?

We are taking steps towards a new user experience in our HappySignals platform based on the feedback we have received from our clients. This release is the first chapter of this journey, introducing small visual and functional changes mainly to the header of the platform, in order to prepare for further visual and functional updates coming in the future.
Visual updates

We are introducing a new visual style for the header and the user menu in this release. Hope you enjoy the new look! 

New visual look in the header and the user menu

Changes to selecting your ESM area

Customers with multiple Enterprise Service Management (ESM) areas, such as IT, HR, or Finance, can now select different ESM areas in the top left corner of the platform. This selector is replacing the previously introduced ESM toggle, but has the same functionality for filtering the dashboard data and corresponding reports for easier navigation. The ESM selection will follow you through the Dashboard, Reports, and Feedback pages.

Header for customer with multiple ESM areas:

Header for customer with multiple ESM areas

Header for customers with only one ESM area:

Header for customers with only one ESM area

Effect on the Benchmarks page:
Since we currently only offer benchmarks for IT, the Benchmarks page is only available when you are using IT as the ESM area, otherwise this page will not be visible to simplify the user interface for you.

Image of the Benchmarks page

Shortcuts to your reports

You can find shortcuts to your saved reports (previously known as QuickSignals) in the dropdown menu on the Reports page, and on the Dashboard page. Please note that these shortcuts are shown by the ESM area, and customers with multiple ESM areas can select the corresponding area in the top left corner of the platform.

Image of the Reports page when multiple ESM's are available

Image of the Dashboard page when multiple ESM's are available

Updates to the Thank You Page configuration view

Requires HappySignals Analytics Administrator level role.

We have updated the Thank You Page configuration view with some small tweaks:

  • Thank You Page view is updated to count any unmapped language values towards the volume of English language.
  • Custom Thank You Page editor's saving function is made more apparent and user friendly, showing the saving option automatically when any changes in the editor are done.

Custom Thank You Page editor view

If you need to refresh your memory about the custom thank you page functionality, you can read more about this feature here.

Other Changes

  • The release includes some bug fixes, small tweaks, and technical enhancements, in addition to the above mentioned updates.

Stay tuned for more changes with upcoming releases!