Set Up Custom Thank You Pages

Create your own custom thank you pages for HappySignals surveys. HappySignals default thank you message is shown when you have not added a custom message.

Requires HappySignals Analytics Administrator level role.


HappySignals survey thank you pages are supported in 33 languages, and you can either use the default message, or create your own custom message. Each Enterprise Service Management (ESM) area, such as IT, HR or Finance has it's own thank you page selection. Use the custom message to engage your employees and to highlight the importance of giving feedback for improving the services you are providing. Make your employees feel that their input is valuable, they are heard, and their feedback makes an impact.


Access the Thank You Pages in the Settings under the Survey Configuration section. In the view you can see all available languages sorted by the volume of usage within selected timeframe. Timeframe can be changed in the Reports or the Feedback view.

Configuring Thank You Pages

Creating Custom Thank You Pages

Creating your custom thank you page can be easily done by clicking the language row you want to modify. A slide-out panel opens up where you can add your message content such as title, body text and signature. Please note that any formatting, including line breaks, is not supported. However the first signature line is in bold. Just remember to save your custom message and you are done!

Custom Message Editor View

You can also add links to your message if you type in [text](link).

E.g. [click here](
Note: the link must start with https://

Note! If you are using the follow up survey for remote work, please make the customisation of the thank you page under "IT Experience" instead of "IT".

IT Experience Survey Thank You Page Configuration

Example messages

Example 1. Default message:

Example of a Default Message

Example 2. Custom message:

Example of a Custom Message