
An overview of the Dashboard page

The Dashboard provides you an "at glance" overview of how end-users feel about IT. It is divided into three sections: 

  1. Your IT at a glance
  2. Improvements
  3. Shortcuts 
  4. Latest comments

The top bar of the menu contains navigation elements to the different Service Areas that your organization is currently using HappySignals for. 

In this example, the Service Area is IT. It could also be HR, Finance or other enterprise supporting services. 

The main view of the dashboard is the "Your IT at a glance" view. 

By default, the view shows the Happiness of the services in the selected Service Area. 


In order to see a different point of view in the "At a glance" view, simply toggle between Happiness and Lost Time, or use the time frame selector on the right to choose a different period.

The time selector impacts all data on the Dashboard page.

The default time frame is 60 days. 

1 Your IT at a glance

Dashboard_IT at a glanceThis view is the new starting point to understand how different measurement areas are doing among end-users. 
The dashboard can contain inactive measurement areas. All IT touchpoints are visible in the view, even when no data is available. This is to actively encourage our clients to start experience management across all touchpoints with IT, as we see how valuable it is to measure end-user experiences across the whole estate.
Measuring experience across all of IT,  shows how services are perceived both among the vocal minority submitting tickets, but also among the silent minority that doesn’t. 
"Your IT at a glance" will show you the average Happiness scores, trends, your pre-defined targets, and your volumes based on your selected time frame. 
The trend gives you an insight into how your services have evolved over the selected time period, and gives an indication of how specific areas may evolve if the same trend continues. 
It is good to take into account that the reliability of the trend is better when response volume is higher (longer time period and/or less filters selected). Notice also that trend is calculated when there are only a few days with non-zero response volume in the selected view.
The targets are there to show you at "a glance" whether you are achieving them or not. Details and a better view of the graph can be found on the report page. 
The volume overview shows you how the feedback volumes in the selected period of time. 

2 Improvements

Easily access any Initiative or XLA created in your organization from here.

3 Shortcuts

Shortcut view with Happiness as the selected metric

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Shortcut view with Lost Time as the selected metric

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Shortcuts can be private or public. 

Private shortcuts are indicated by the lock icon

The Shortcuts are your quick access to pre-defined filter settings. In the dashboard view, you will see the following information in the Shortcut item: 

  • Measurement Area
  • The user-defined name of the shortcut
  • The score in the selected time period
  • The trend of the happiness/lost time in the selected time period.
    • Green means positive trend
    • Red means negative trend
    • Grey means no change or not enough data
  • Sharing options (...) selection with options to
    • Copy the shareable link to a view of the applied filters in the shortcut view. 
    • Create a Live Screen view with shortcut filters applied

Shortcuts are the most common way to share experience data with other stakeholders and allows everyone to have a shared understanding based on real-time data in one common view. 

New shortcuts are created on the Reports page. How to create a shortcut can be read here.

4 Latest comments

The bottom section of the Dashboard page lists the latest scores and the related open text feedback/comments end-users have provided in their survey responses. To investigate more in-depth into the comments please visit the Feedback tab. 

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