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  2. Security and Privacy

Workers Council Guidance

We recommend making clear to the Council(s) that:
  1. You have a policy for utilizing HappySignals data in the correct way, and
  2. The data is used for improving your services, not measuring the persons’ performance.

HappySignals is a leading experience management platform that is used for identifying improvement potential in IT services. It provides a means for any organization to improve their working culture and employee satisfaction.

HappySignals customers have in rare occasions had to deal with the Workers’ Councils (for example in Germany), because of concerns raised on a possibility to rate or follow employees based on the data HappySignals helps to collect. In these occasions, there has been no need to continue the discussions (at least according to HappySignals knowledge) after the nature and usage of the data has been explained.
It is up to the user organization (HappySignals customer) to define the usage of data, the processes and the principles in a way that does not conflict with any rules or regulations. When these are defined and communicated correctly and followed properly, HappySignals can provide data for improving employee experience, and boost the motivation and development of the support service agents.
Why HappySignals does not conflict with the common principles of storing/showing data about employees:
  • Measuring service experience is what HappySignals is designed to be used for, not for anything personal, like following performance.
  • HappySignals never stores any personally identifiable information (PII) of the agents or the end-users giving feedback.
  • HappySignals is just another tool for analyzing the service experience on the support cases/issues that the organization is managing. Typically, an ITSM system, such as ServiceNow, is used in service management, and that system contains personally identifiable information (PII) about the support service agents / resolvers of the incidents. 
  • The open text feedback may include any type of comments, they can also contain persons’ names. Names have, however, been seen only in the positive comments - giving praise like: ”John did a great job". We have never seen agents or other persons being commented on in a negative way.
Facts about HappySignals:
  • HappySignals is used for collecting experience data from the end-users (company’s employees):
    • Service rating on the scale of 0 to 10
    • Reasons for the rating (factors)
    • Lost time evaluation
    • Open text feedback
  • The experience data is stored and combined with operational data in the ITSM system (country, location, service used etc.). 
  • HappySignals does not store any personally identifiable information about the end-users or the agents/resolvers. This data resides in the ITSM system, and HappySignals has no access to it. A link to more detailed information about the incident or request, including personal data, can be made with the incident/request id number. This link can only be used by privileged users (persons with access to the ITSM system).