Create Initiatives or XLAs to track improvement projects or experience level targets. Find out more about how they work in this article.
Skip ahead to the relevant sections:How to use Initiatives and XLAs
- Identify your improvement area: Select the Measurement Area and filters on the Experience page, or start from one of your Shortcuts.
- From the Actions menu on the Experience page, click ‘Improve’ to create an Initiative or XLA. You can also click ‘Create Improvement’ from a Shortcut in the Measurement Area dropdown.
- Give your Initiative or XLA a name, time frame, and target, then create!

- See what has changed since the start
- Check if you are on track to meeting the target
- Add Notes to document key decisions and actions
What do the numbers mean?
📈 Start, Current, and Change
Shown on each Initiative / XLA page at the top and in the graph, as well as on the Improvements page tables
Start: Happiness over a 7-day window ending with the start date of the Initiative / XLA
- Example: For an Initiative that begins on 14 April, the Start number is the Happiness (NPS formula) from responses received in 8 - 14 April for this filter set
- The same calculation method is used for both the Start Happiness shown at the top of the page and on the graph.
Current: Happiness over a 7-day window ending with Today or End Date of the Initiative / XLA, whichever is earlier.
- Example 1: Today is 17 May 2024. For an Initiative that ends on 10 September 2024, the Current number is the Happiness (NPS formula) from responses received in 11 - 17 May 2024 for this filter set.
- Example 2: Today is 17 May 2024. For an Initiative that ends on 30 April 2024, the Current number is the Happiness (NPS formula) from responses received in 24 - 30 April 2024 for this filter set.
- The same calculation method is used for both the Current Happiness shown at the top of the page and on the graph.
Note: Even after an Initiative / XLA is over, the Current number will still show the Happiness around its End Date (not "Today")
Change (overall): Increase or decrease in Happiness from the start of the Initiative / XLA to Today or End Date of the Initiative / XLA, whichever is earlier
- Change = [Happiness in 7-day window ending with today or End Date] minus [Happiness in 7-day window ending with Start Date] from responses for this filter set
⬆️🔻 Change (granular)
Shown on each Initiative / XLA page in the change pills in data cards
Change for context data categories: Increase or decrease in Happiness for each category value from the start of the Initiative / XLA to Today or End Date of the Initiative / XLA, whichever is earlier
- Example: Change for Vendor A Service Desk =
[Happiness in 7-day window ending with today or End Date] minus [Happiness in 7-day window ending with Start Date] from responses about Vendor A Service Desk
% Change in 'Reasons why' selected: Percentage point change in % of responses where each Reason was selected from the start of the Initiative / XLA to Today or End Date of the Initiative / XLA, whichever is earlier
- Example: Percentage point change for "Service was slow" =
[% of responses in the 7-day window ending with today or End Date] minus [% of responses in the 7-day window ending with Start Date] where "Service was slow" was selected