How to interpret the factors?

What do the color codes and percentages mean and how can I use them?

The percentage value

The percentage value tells you how many of all respondents selected that specific factor as a reason for their good or bad service experience. Respondents can select several reasons per incident. The list view of the factors always shows those reasons first that have been selected most often (biggest percentage).

You can compare the percentages of your organization (green, red or black, with bigger font) to the benchmark data percentages of all our other customers (grey, with smaller font). This helps you understand how your organization and services are performing when compared to other customers.

Näyttökuva 2019-9-30 kello 10.51.16

The color coding

When your organization results are 10 to more points better than the benchmark, they are colored green. When they are worse 10 or more points they are colored red. When close to benchmark (-9) - (+9) they are colored black. 

Note that for negative and neutral factors ”better” (color green) means smaller percentages as you are trying to reduce these factors and ”worse” (color red) means bigger percentages. For positive factors it is the other way around; ”Better” (color green) means bigger percentage  and ”worse” (color red) means smaller percentages, as you are trying to increase the amount of positive factors. 

Searching the factors

Can can also find out which factors have been selected for which services by using the search bar. Each of the selected factors can be found by typing the factor, or a word appearing in the factor, in the search bar as shown below:

You can select the positive, neutral or negative results and find out the affected services or other categories.