How to enable response rate analysis?

Admins of your organization's ITSM platform can opt in to enable response rate analysis, if it's available for that platform or measurement area.

HappySignals aims to offer advanced analytics services to our customers, including the ability to measure and analyze response rates. At the moment, response rate analysis is only available for ServiceNow customers measuring Ticket-based IT and Proactive IT experiences

To benefit from response rate analysis, ServiceNow admins can follow the steps below to opt in for your organization in the respective HappySignals apps.

In Ticket-based IT Experience app for ServiceNow:

  1. Go to "General Properties" of the HappySignals Ticket-based IT Experience app.
  2. Check the box under "Enable survey response rate analysis on HappySignals service." 
  3. Save, and you're done!

In Proactive IT Experience app for ServiceNow:

  1. Go to "General Properties" of the HappySignals Proactive IT Experience app.
  2. Check the box under "Enable survey response rate analysis on HappySignals service." 
  3. Save, and you're done!