We have made an example Service Portal widget which helps you to get started when implementing HappySignals voting buttons to your Service Portal.
You can download example of HappySignals voting buttons for ServiceNow Service Portal here (XML).
After downloading you can import the XML to your ServiceNow Service Portal widgets table and do your necessary modifications to the widget.
Things you need to check when implementing the voting buttons into your ServiceNow Service Portal:
- Button visibility should follow same rules as email notification: default is that only caller/requested for can give the feedback. Please check the conditions from the widget code and modify them if needed
- Remember to show buttons only when the ticket is resolved and no given feedback to current resolution. Please check the state conditions from the widget code and modify if needed
- Any additional visibility rules/conditions can be added and feel free to modify visual styles as well if needed
- Example widget contains only buttons for Incident and Request (RITM) processes. If you are using any other processes/tables, please modify the widget code to meet your configurations
Please note that this widget is only an example and therefore it's totally up to you how you will use it 😊