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Activity Log for Administrators

To see what has been going on in the Analytics, you can see user activities in a comprehensive list, perform searches to the data and download activities.

Requires HappySignals Analytics Administrator level role.

1) Navigate to Activity

2) You will see a ist of recent activities and can perform searches. The list fields are:

    • Created at - the date and time of the activity
    • Principal - user in the activity logged
    • Action - what was done
    • Message - Any message related to the action
    • Download data by pressing "Download".

3) At least the following actions are logged

Security: Registered User login/out, Add membership, Delete Membership, Invite user, Accept invite, Delete Invite, Resend Invitation, Change Role
Analytics: Create Report, Delete Report, Download Report, Save Comment, Delete Comment, Update Targets, Filter Configurations, Live Screen , Delete Live Screen, Reset Live Screen Link

You can use the filters to filter the results by Action type.

Questions? Comments? Chat or email support@happysignals.com