How to: Export Incident and Requested Item Data for HappySignals POC

This article describes the needed steps to get HappySignals demo to run with your own data.

HappySignals Lightweight POC allows importing your operational ticket data categories from your ticketing system to the HappySignals Platform. This is done to understand exactly how HappySignals would work for your organisation. But don't worry no personal data or ticket content is transferred. 

The only thing from you as customer is that you or your ITSM-tool delivery partner will run one report in your system and send that data to HappySignals. We will then prepare the demo for you to see and share in your organisation. 

If you are not yet a customer and would like to discuss more about the POC, please contact

General Requirements

Export category data from least 500 tickets. (recommendation 500 - 5000 tickets)

Make sure that the tickets are in closed state to ensure the data is as
rich as possible.

Exporting Incident Data

Look at the Incident Sample CSV file which contains an example of what to collect for POC data. You can import this data from your ticketing system but pay attention to the data definitions below.

Note if you do not have a piece of data, the column should still be in the CSV.


Caller Country  Select the Caller's Country here, typically found in Location
Case's Contact Type Select the Case's contact type, e.g. Phone, Portal
Case's Reassignment Count Select the Reassignment count of the Case

You probably have these:

Ticket Number Case's ID
Case's Category The highest level of categorization like "Inquiry/Help"
Caller Location Select the Caller's Location title here, typically Street name or similar
Caller Company Select Caller's Company name here
Caller Language Callers Preferred Language
Assignment Group Which group handled the case - select the group.
Priority of the Case Select the priority from the Case data
Ticket creation time Timestamp when a ticket was created
Ticket resolution time Timestamp when a ticket was resolved

You might have these fields:

Case's business Service Select Business Service or Service Offering here
Case's Secondary Category If there is more categorization available, select what you want here.
Catalog/Configuration Item If your Cmdb data is not sensitive, send the cases item name here
Vendor Name If Case knows it's Vendor, add it here
Case's Third Category There might even be a 3rd category available. Choose what you are interested in.
Region If there is a Region defined, use this field. Can be also department or similar data.
End-user creation time Timestamp when end-user record was created in your ITSM system


Exporting Requested Item Data

Exporting requested item data is similar to the incident export above.